4TH Cardiff NLP Summer Workshop
Workshop organised by the Cardiff NLP Group, July 14th and 15th, 2025 (Cardiff, Wales, UK)
The Cardiff NLP Group is organising an in-person workshop on Natural Language Processing (NLP). It will take place on 14-15 July 2025 in Abacws, the brand-new building for the School of Computer Science and the School of Mathematics at Cardiff University.
The workshop is especially intended to NLP practitioners and researchers, but everyone would be welcome.
Follow our updates on social media! @Cardiff_NLP #cardiffnlpworkshop
This year participants will be offered affordable accommodation options in university residence rooms near the venue, more info coming soon!
NEW! The dates for the 4th Cardiff NLP Workshop (2025) HAve been Announced
Target Audience
The workshop is targeted to an audience with some prior knowledge of NLP.
PhD students and early career researchers working on NLP are especially encouraged to attend.
Workshop Activities
Invited speakers | Tutorials | Networking | Panels
Important Dates
Expression of interest: Until April 11th (now open!)
Registration period: From mid-April until beginning of June (exact dates TBA)
Workshop (in-person only): Cardiff, 14-15 July 2025
This event is organised by the Cardiff NLP group and supported by Cardiff University's School of Computer Science and Informatics.
Invited Speakers
Alexander Shvets
Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Jennifer Foster
Dublin City University, Ireland
Marzieh Fadaee
Cohere For AI
Lucie-Aimée Kaffee
Hugging Face